Anonymous Inner Class Vs Lamda

1 min readJan 7, 2021


This is a very basic concept concept. 2 minute reading clear concept that how scope of veriable change when way of accessing method from anonymous inner class and using lamda expression.

If any variable declare in a method and this variable is using in a manner of Anonymous inner class then scope is maintianed as a local variable. below example illustrates the implementation.

interface testinterface {

public void m1();


public class Annoynymous {

int x = 88;

public void m2() {

testinterface i = new testinterface() {

int x = 99;


public void m1() {

System.out.println(“Value of x:” + this.x);





public static void main(String[] args) {

Annoynymous a = new Annoynymous();



Output: Value of x:99, local scope of variable is maintained.

Lets see how it can be access using Lamda and how scope of variable changed.

Now is a same code , initialized a local variable say x and calling a method using lamda expression.


interface testscope {

public void testScope();


public class AnonymousLamda {

int x = 10;

public void m2() {

testscope ts = () -> {

int x = 20;

System.out.println(“Value of x:” + this.x);




public static void main(String[] args) {

AnonymousLamda a = new AnonymousLamda();




Output:- Value of x:10

While accessing variable x from lamda block, you can see the scope is an instance instead of local as using in Anonymous.This is important point to note.




Written by Kablumndl

Java Developer, Software Engineer, Spring, Spark, MicroService, PostgresSQL

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